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Marc Thomas is a chartered architect with over 30 years experience in the building industry and has been involved with CAD and IT since the mid 80's. After working as an architect in London and Oxfordshire, he joined Architects Design Partnership in 1991, moving to an ever-expanding CAD/IT role in 1996. Over the following 12 years he built their ICT system up from scratch, gaining the necessary skills as required, becoming ADP's IT Director. During this period their isolated computer networks were developed into an integrated ICT system that enabled dynamic sharing of information and resources across the practice's UK wide locations.

Since then Marc has specialised in CAD and BIM working both with Cadventure and Isisst Project Technology as a consultant supporting a number of high profile architectural practices including: Cullinan Studio, Grimshaw, nbbj, ORMS.

In 2013 he joined Bentley Systems as a key member of their team supporting BIM applications in the UK and worldwide, with a particular focus on the world-leading BIM hotspot in London.
